
Showing posts from February, 2019

Mobile repair in Delhi made easy

“How important is your smartphone to you?” In 2019, depending on whom you ask this question, you might get an answer that falls between the range of “it’s very important to me” to “This phone is my life, work, heart and soul” and while, rather ironically, people who give the latter answer might actually need a time-out from using their smartphones, it is impossible to deny just how great a role these smartphones—who were considered just a luxury not too long ago—have started to play in all our lives. A majority of people even reading this very article are probably doing so on their smartphones. We use our phones to connect to the internet, which in turn keeps us connected to the rest of the world, through news and updates and to our friends and family through social media and instant messaging apps. Losing our phone is one of our greatest nightmares, as most of our phones have sensitive data on our phone and hence losing it will be, at best, a minor inconvenience or, at w

Onsite mobile repair services made easy by Buzzmeeh

If a gadget were to be dubbed as oxygen, it would perhaps be a smartphone —as having a mobile phone is more of a necessity nowadays. Take a moment and think about the feeling of stepping out of your home and realising you forgot to carry your mobile phone—although it’s a rare event but your mind takes a spin for sure— random scenarios start resonating in your head and it’s a situation that makes you want to kick yourself. However, there’s another mobile phone related problem that could take a toll on you—a malfunctioning mobile phone. Mobile phones aren’t worth peanuts and you can’t replace your phone every time it gets broken or starts functioning abnormally. What do then? The obvious rescue : seeking mobile phone repair services - People run to onsite mobile repair stores carrying their phones like a sick baby. It might have sounded like a bizarre scenario 10 years back but now it’s pretty understandable for everybody. As these phones play a crucial part in our day to day